Thursday, November 22, 2018

Every body has one...

The world is changing. Some people would say we are going down. That people usually say this new generations have no respect for values, principles and we have lost sanity and basic decency. They say we don't care about what it is important, that we are trapped in our own reality. We don't respect the elders. We don't follow the rules and that is the reason of all the bad things that happen to us. 
That might be truth in some ways. Maybe some things are getting worst. 
But in my experience, and the experience of the million of people that today are fighting to repair the mistakes our granparents commited or allowed to commit, this generation is gold. I love this century, and the things that I don't love  about it are usually the things of the past century that are still getting in the way fo the new ideas. 

I can say that I have nothing to envy from the past "simple time" because "simple" means indiferent. I I see absolutly no reason to respect someone only because they have lived more than me, because some of them have only lived and experienced their own reality, which sometimes some of them strongly believe it's the only reality. 
The past is misogynist. The past is homophobic, transphobic, xenophobist, racist, classist, violent, abusive, intolerant, indifferent, prejudiced and I could keep going until my nose starts to bleed...
So I think the world is getting better... slowly and hardly... but better. 
Good changes are being made. People is finally understanding. Lives are being saved. 
Please, I beg all of you... don't ever give up... we can do it. 

Whats my opinion about the legalization of abortion in three cases?

To start, I'm against abortion. I believe that it is one of the most cruel things a human can do. But I understand that my view is entirely subjective. It relies in the values I have developped according to my experience, and the way I have interpretated that experience. 
I strongly support the legalization of abortion. And I think that the "three cases" are a contradiction. 
All of that vanishes if we understand that the rights of a woman over her body are not over the right of another human's rights.  And that is the big question. 
Is it human? even if it wasn't, does it have rights? It is a complicated question with a simple anwer. We don't know. And we can never know.
There is absolutely no way to decide, because all the arguments are: 1) based on personal believes, philosophical, spiritual, religious, etc. 2) based of scientific facts that still need subjective interpretations: we know in which stage of development the brain starts its activity(does that make it human?), we know when the heart starts beating (does that make it human?), we also know that even a single cell is autonous, but not independet, but the body doens't recognize it as a parasite and has the exact amount of chromosomes a human should have (does that make it human?). 
At the end, women not only have a right over her body, she has the right to choose what she believes about life itself,  and acting according to it. 
Sexual education to decide. Contraceptives to make a choice. Legal abortion not to die. 

Whats my opinion about having exotic pets at home?

Some people justify the symbiotic relationship between cattle animals and human civilization to survive and developped. 
But out of that, It is animal abuse to get them out of their enviroment and to change their behaviour. Making them dependent to us, is limitating their chances to survive. Limitating their resources is killing them slowly and painfully, phisically and mentally. It also makes a damage to the enviroment they were taken away from. 
Also, I don't see that much different between taking an elephant to my backyard with no space nor water than cutting down their jungles and drying their rivers there in afrika. 

What is my opinion on the legalization of marijuana and other drugs?

Marijuana is not addictive, and makes no harm by itself. If a kid smokes it, or if an adult smokes it all day, of course it will have side effects. Same thing happen with anything. I'm not saying drugs are like sugar, because they are not. But it is all about a good, informed and critical use. It should be under strong control, just like guns and vehicules about the amount cultivated, and where and how is selled.

What is your opinion on recycling?

It has been said and proved by all the scientific community that the way we produce is just not viable. Our life style is murdering us. All the discussions about equality and rights is useless if we go back to the jungle like animals. Recycling is necesary, and also easy and totally doable. It doens't requiare much effort.  Once the population is educated on the topic, how to do it correclty and efficiently, it could become part of the daily rutine, like brushing your teeth and doing the laundry. 
But the population is not enough. Reycling and other ecological methods are also easy with the proper machinery in our over industrialized system. 
It is not enough to encourage recycling to the industry and school. It must be a standardized and regulated obligation to industry and shown as a civil duty to the masses that directly benefits them.  

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