Wednesday, October 3, 2018

A Country I Would Like to Travel

Since I was a child, I'm a big fan of all kinds of myths and legends, specially greek and egyptian mythology.

I think that studying the different religions of the ancient civilizations is the perfect way to understand the way they lived. It not only explains how they believed the world was created, but also how they would relate to it. For example, the Greeks said that Demeter, goddess of agriculture, was  lovely and kind... if you respected her and her rules. That can be translated to the idea that you must follow stricly each plant's requirements to grow healthy, like the season they must be seeded, how much water they need, etc. When things aren't done the way Demeter has taught us, it would only bring poverty and famine... Respect earth's cicles. Listen to it before you take from it.

A lot of the ancient wisdom has been lost with the pass of time, but what remains is still full of knowledge and different perspectives about issues that we humans still face. We need to protect and take advantage of it. According to this, the places I would like to visit someday are the places where the most mysterious legends took place: Egypt and England.

Egyptian civilization was born by the largest river on Afrika, the Nile, who to the egyptians was the giver of life. To old egyptians, death was even more important than life. So much, the more wealthy spent all their riches on their tombs, wich now are one of the most important sources to study the egyptian history. They are full of descriptions about their deities of the afterlife, and what they would find there.

"Temple of Isis, Philae Island, Egypt"
I would like to visit the Tomb of Cleopatra, who was one of my favorite strong female icons of history. Unfortunately, it hasn't been found yet.
Instead, I'd like to meet the Philae Island, known for its large complex of temples dedicated to Isis, the major female goddess of the egyptian pantheon.
However, its arid clime doesn't make a good home for me. If I ever go to Egypt, It wouldn't be for a long time. I need color green to survive.

"Stonehenge, south of England"
The other country I want to visit is England and the different countrys around it, like Ireland and Scotland, old home of the celtic culture. To me, its myths and legends were very advanced to their time, very spiritual and deeply related to nature. To celtic people, the best temples were not the ones made by men or women, but the ones preserved in the most hidden forests, the waterfalls only seen by a very few lucky ones who got to dance with the fairy folk and never came back. Their deities were understood as a manisfestation of the world itself, with its blessings and dangers.  It is from England that most of my favorite literature come from. I definitely must see by myself the "Stonehenge", whose origin raises as many doubts as the pyramids.

One of my highest dream is to settle down in a country similar to Ireland. Unlike Egypt, in Ireland everything is possible when it comes to weather. You can start your day with the brightest sun and end it covered in rain and hail. Specially rain. So... much... rain.

                   Is there anything better than rain? Give me your thoughts :)

1 comment:

  1. Egyptian culture is so interesting. I would like to learn more about it.
